Booking Conditions


Your booking is made with Alltracks Academy, which is the trading name of Alltracks Limited (“Alltracks”). Alltracks is a registered company in England and Wales with company number 05999503 and its registered office address is Newmans Barn Farm, North Lane, West Tytherley, Hampshire, SP5 1LX, UK.

In these terms and conditions, “We”, “Us”, “Our” refer to Alltracks. “You” and “Your” refer to all persons, whether named individually or in a group, as set out in the corresponding booking form in addition to any alternatively named passenger added to the booking at a later date in accordance with Clause 11.5.

The contractual terms set out below apply between you and us. We have sought to set out what you are legally entitled to expect from us when you book one of our ski/snowboard courses. We ask that you read these terms and conditions carefully before you book to see how they affect your booking with us.

Our obligations to you may vary depending upon whether you book a combined service package (for example where you add accommodation alongside your ski/snowboard course) (“a Package”) or a single-element booking (where you only book  ski/snowboard coaching) (“a Single-Element Booking”). Unless otherwise stated, these terms and conditions apply to both a Package and a Single-Element Booking.

Where you book a Package, we will be considered as a package organiser in accordance with the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (“the Regulations”). You will therefore benefit from EU rights applying to packages. A copy of the Regulations, which set out your key rights, may be found at


1.1 To enrol on a Package or a Single-Element Booking, you must complete the online booking form on our website and send it with a non-refundable deposit of £500. By making a booking and by paying the deposit, the first person named on the booking form (“the Party Leader”) confirms and agrees that:

  1. they will be at least 18 by the Start of Your Trip (see Clause 1.3);
  2. they are authorised to make the booking, on the basis of these terms and conditions, by all the people in the party and by the parent or guardian for all party members who are under 18 when the booking is made;
  3. they agree to these terms and conditions of booking as well as the terms of our privacy policy (see Clause 19) on behalf of themselves, all the people in the party and by the parent or guardian for any  party members who are under 18 when the booking is made; and
  4. they are financially responsible for payment of the booking.

1.2 Subject to availability, we will then send you a booking confirmation (“Booking Confirmation”) and an invoice. Once a Booking Confirmation is issued, your contract, incorporating these terms and conditions will apply and your booking will be finalised (“Your Booking”). Alltracks reserves the right to refuse enrolment prior to any booking being confirmed and in these circumstances, any deposit will be returned in full.

1.3 Whether you have booked a Package or a Single-Element Booking, your trip will be considered as having commenced with us at the start of any service included in Your Booking (“the Start of Your Trip”). The end of your trip will be considered as being the point at which all services included in Your Booking have been completed (“the End of Your Trip”). The period between the Start of Your Trip and the End of Your Trip will be referred to hereafter as “Your Trip.”

1.4 Following Your Booking, you will be provided with login details to Alltrack’s Guest Intranet Site which contains a Guest Information Form (“Guest Information Form”). You must complete the Guest Information Form prior to the Start of Your Trip.


2.1 A non- refundable deposit of £500 is payable at the time the Party Leader completes the booking form. 

2.2 The remainder of the payment must be paid in up to 2 separate instalments. The dates of these instalments will be shown on the Booking Confirmation and can be obtained from Alltracks at any time.

2.3 Where accommodation is included in Your Booking, a refundable £300 damage/accommodation deposit (“the Damage Deposit”) must be paid at the the same time as your final instalment. This will be returned to you within 14 days of the End of your Trip in accordance with Clause 8.4.

2.4 If any instalments remain unpaid after 7 days past the due date of the payment, Alltracks reserves the right to cancel Your Booking without any further notice. In these circumstances, you will be liable for any costs incurred.


3.1 Alltracks guarantees the advertised prices on its website. These prices will not increase once Your Booking has been confirmed in accordance with Clause 1.2.

3.2 No refunds will be given if currency rates improve.

3.3 Where appropriate, Value Added Tax has been included in the prices in order to comply with HM Revenue & Customs regulations in force.


Fully Comprehensive travel insurance is compulsory for all persons included in Your Booking. You must ensure that your insurance is valid, as a minimum, from the date that Your Booking is made until the End of Your Trip. You should also ensure that your insurance covers, as a minimum, all activities and aspects included in Your Booking; termination of Your Booking by you; curtailment; the cost of assistance – including repatriation – in the event of an accident, illness or death;  theft; damage; medical and mountain rescue; third party; personal liability; liability for injury or death to others; and any activities that you may decide to do at any time during Your Trip.  Alltracks shall not be held liable in the event that you purchase an inadequate insurance policy, or for any consequence of your failure to comply with this clause 4.


5.1 You are responsible for informing Alltracks of any medical condition that could have any effect on your performance on any activity included in Your Booking and of any pre-existing medical problems/conditions using the Guest Information Form in accordance with Clause 1.4. If your medical condition should change after Your Booking or during Your Trip, you must keep Alltracks informed in writing or by email. You are responsible for warranting that you are sufficiently fit, physically and mentally, to participate in the activities included in Your Booking. You should consult your own doctor regarding pre-existing medical conditions or injuries and how these might affect your ability to participate.

5.2 Any medical information you submit to Alltracks will be held in the strictest confidence but may need to be passed on to certain suppliers who will be responsible for your safety. For further information, please see Clause 18.


6.1 You are responsible for obtaining all required travel documentation. You must have a valid passport and any required visa. It is your responsibility to ensure that these documents are in good order and that you have them with you when necessary.

6.2 Alltracks is not responsible for any costs incurred due to you not having the correct documentation at the right time.


7.1 Certain aspects of the activities and services included in Your Booking may be run by a separate supplier (an “Alltracks Supplier”). This includes but is not limited to accommodation, ski and snowboard tuition, transfers, avalanche awareness courses, first aid courses, meals, heli skiing, heli snowboarding, cat skiing, cat snowboarding, snowmobiling and off-piste ski or snowboard guiding. On such occasions you may also have a contract with the Alltracks Supplier. Where this is the case, by agreeing to Your Booking, you also agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Alltracks Supplier including any requirement to sign a waiver at the resort.


8.1 You must behave in a respectful way for the duration of Your Trip and in such a manner as to not harm the reputation of Alltracks.

8.2 You must be respectful and courteous to any and all other Alltracks clients for the duration of Your Trip and must ensure that you refrain from any improper, violent or abusive behaviour towards anyone.

8.3 You must comply with any rules and regulations set by Alltracks and Alltracks Suppliers which are provided to you before or during Your Trip.

8.4 Where accommodation is included in Your Booking, you are responsible for looking after the accommodation. Your Damage Deposit will be returned to you provided no damage has occurred in the accommodation and that it is not excessively dirty. Once confirmation is received from the accommodation provider that the accommodation  has been left in an acceptable condition, Your Damage Deposit will be returned to you in accordance with Clause 2.3.

Alltracks, in its absolute discretion, reserves the right to retain the Damage Deposit paid by you and your party members, where applicable, in the event that damage has been inflicted to the accommodation and/or the accommodation has been left excessively dirty. Any costs incurred by Alltracks and/or the Alltracks Suppliers to make good the accommodation will be taken from your Damage Deposit and any further payments required over and above the amount(s) of the Damage Deposit(s) will be invoiced to the Party Leader(s), who shall be liable for the payment of the difference within 7 days of being asked for it.

8.5 Where applicable, the accommodation provided for you during Your Trip is only for you. Subletting, sharing or assigning is strictly prohibited unless otherwise agreed in writing.

8.6 Alltracks and Alltracks Suppliers reserve the right to remove you from any activity included in Your Booking if you are behaving in an unacceptable manner. Alltracks will not be responsible for repatriation or any costs you incur as a result of being removed for unacceptable behaviour.

8.7 Your property is your own responsibility for the duration of Your Trip. You may be able to make a claim if any loss suffered is covered under the terms of your insurance policy.

8.8 Alltracks has a zero tolerance policy to illegal substances and any criminal activity of any sort. You must abide by all municipal, provincial and federal laws while in Canada or other destinations and any local governmental laws, rules and regulations as applicable elsewhere for the duration of Your Trip.

8.9 The ability guide for all Alltracks courses is available at You must be honest about your level of ski or snowboard experience and ability when completing the booking form. Any assessment you make with respect to your level of fitness and standard of ability to ski or board is made at your own risk. If your ability is vastly different from what you have told us, or below the minimum ability level necessary, and therefore incompatible with the rest of the group, you may be removed from the course and you will be asked to join a local ski or board school. If there are any additional costs for this, you will be responsible for them. 

8.10 You are obligated to abide by the smoking policies of all Alltracks Suppliers in effect and to all applicable no-smoking governmental laws, rules and regulations for the duration of Your Trip. No smoking (including e-cigarettes and vapes) is allowed inside accommodation or in the surrounding area of any accommodation included in Your Booking at any time. Alltracks and Alltracks Suppliers reserve the right to prohibit or limit smoking in any area of the premises in use at any time at their sole and absolute discretion.

8.11 Alltracks will not be responsible for repatriation or any costs you incur due to being removed from any course or accommodation you are staying in as a result of your non-compliance with any smoking policies.


9.1 Where Your Booking is a Single-Element Booking, we are only responsible for the provision of the ski/snowboard course included in Your Booking. We will ensure that that service is carried out with reasonable care and skill. We will not be responsible and accept no liability for any other activities or services you are involved in for the duration of Your Trip.

9.2 Where Your Booking is a Package, we are liable to you for the performance of all services provided for in Your Booking, irrespective of whether those services are to be performed by Alltracks or Alltracks Suppliers.

9.3 Where you believe that there has been a failure to perform, or there has been an improper performance of, one of the services included in Your Booking during Your Trip (“a Lack of Conformity”), you must inform us without undue delay. Failure to do so may be taken into account when determining any appropriate price reduction in accordance with Clause 9.11 where such notice would have avoided or reduced the damage.

9.4 Once notified of a Lack of Conformity, we will use all reasonable endeavours to remedy the Lack of Conformity within a reasonable period set by you unless it is:

  1. impossible; or
  2. entails disproportionate costs in account of the value of the services affected.

9.5 Where 9.4(a) or (b) apply, we will offer you an appropriate price reduction in accordance with Clause 9.11.

9.6 Only in the event that we inform you that we are unable to remedy a Lack of Conformity, or where an immediate remedy is required, you may remedy the Lack of Conformity yourself and we will reimburse you only for your reasonable and necessary costs.

9.7 Where the Lack of Conformity means that a significant proportion of Your Booking cannot be performed (“a Significant Lack of Conformity”), for example the accommodation included in Your Booking becomes unavailable, we will, using all reasonable endeavours, aim to offer you an alternative at an equivalent or higher standard than that included in Your Booking at no extra cost. In some cases, it may only be possible to offer you an alternative which is of lower quality than that specified in Your Booking, in which case you will be entitled to an appropriate price reduction in accordance with Clause 9.11.

9.8 If we are not able to remedy a Significant Lack of Conformity within a reasonable period or the alternatives offered to you in accordance with Clause 9.7 are not comparable to the services included in Your Booking, you may terminate your Booking without paying a termination fee and, where appropriate, will be entitled to compensation and an appropriate price reduction in accordance with Clause 9.10 and Clause 16.

9.9 Where flights are included in Your Booking and we are unable to ensure your return as agreed in Your Booking as a result of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (as referred to in Clause 12.2), we will provide you with accommodation for up to 3 nights.

9.10 Subject to Clause 19, you will not be entitled to a price reduction or compensation in circumstances where a Lack of Conformity or Significant Lack of Conformity is attributable to you, is attributable to a third party unconnected with Your Booking or occurs during Your Trip in unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances, as referred to in Clause 12.2.

9.11 Where you are entitled to a price reduction, we will take into consideration all the relevant factors associated with the Lack of Conformity or Significant Lack of Conformity. Payment will be made to you no later than 14 days after the End of Your Trip.


10.1 You are responsible for checking in for all flights and all other travel arrangements in good time and with the correct documentation. Alltracks will not be responsible for any costs incurred due to your failure to be there on time or without the required documents.

10.2 Where Alltracks are responsible for your transfer from the airport to the resort as part of Your Booking on your incoming flight to the course destination, and there is a delay in your incoming flight, Alltracks will use all reasonable endeavours to wait for a period of 2 hours from your due arrival time (as notified to Alltracks in writing). If you are unable to make the transfer within that period, you will not be entitled to any compensation from Alltracks and Alltracks will not be liable for any further costs incurred.


11.1 Should you wish to make any alterations to Your Booking, you must notify us as soon as possible in writing. Whilst we endeavour to assist, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be met. If we can make the requested alterations, you will be provided with a quote detailing the additional costs incurred by ourselves and by Alltracks Suppliers and our amendment fee of £50 per person. If you wish to go ahead with the alterations, the costs provided for in the quote will be payable immediately and must be made before any alterations are made.

11.2 Alltracks obviously aims to provide all the services you have included in Your Booking as advertised. However, occasionally we may be required to amend part of Your Booking in a small way before the Start of Your Trip. In those circumstances where only a minor change is made, the change will be communicated to you within a reasonable time and no refund will be provided.

11.3 If we have no choice but to make a major change to Your Booking before the Start of Your Booking, we will inform you without undue delay. In some cases we may offer you an alternative booking arrangement. Where an alternative booking arrangement is provided to you, you must confirm or deny your acceptance to the proposed change within 14 days.

11.4 If the change proposed by virtue of Clause 11.3 is not acceptable to you, you can cancel Your Booking without paying a termination fee. In this case, we will promptly refund all the money you have paid us. If you do not respond to the alternative proposal offered, Your Booking will terminate automatically and we will promptly refund all the money you have paid us.

11.5 Where you have paid for Your Booking in full but one of the members included in the booking form is unable to proceed, we will allow you to amend Your Booking to swap in an alternative named passenger as long as notice is given at least 7 days before the Start of Your Trip. You will be provided with a quote detailing the additional costs incurred by ourselves and by Alltracks Suppliers and our amendment fee of £50 per person as a result of the amendment.

11.6 In the event that Your Booking is amended in accordance with Clause 11.5, the costs provided for in the quote will be payable immediately and must be made before any alterations are made. In order for an alternatively named passenger to be added to the booking, the following conditions must be met:

  1. All Alltracks Suppliers and third parties accept the transfer of names or are able to re-book; and
  2. The transferee accepts these terms and conditions.


12.1 We reserve the right to cancel Your Booking in the event that the number of persons enrolled on the activities detailed in Your Booking is smaller than 5. If the number is smaller than 5, we will notify you:

  1. in the case Your Trip lasting more than 21 days, 60 days before the Start of Your Trip;
  2. in the case of Your Trip lasting between 7 and 21 days, 60 days before the Start of Your Trip; or
  3. in the case of Your Trip lasting less than 7 days, 50 days before the Start of Your Trip.

In this unlikely event, you will have the choice of accepting an alternative or a refund of all invoices paid to Alltracks. However, Alltracks will not be liable for any additional compensation.

12.2 We may terminate Your Booking before the Start of Your Trip if we would be prevented from performing the services included because of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. These circumstances include but are not limited to acts of god, fire, explosion, adverse weather conditions, pandemic or epidemic, cancellation or flight changes over which we have no control, flood, earthquake, terrorism, riot, civil commotion, war, hostilities, strikes, riots or civil disturbances or acts of government or any acts which leads the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to advising travellers against non essential travel to the course destination area. In the event of one of the circumstances listed above, we will notify you without undue delay before the Start of Your Trip and you will receive a full refund of all invoices paid to Alltracks. However, Alltracks will not be liable for any additional compensation. Any refund due in accordance with Clause 12.1 or 12.2 will be paid to you no later than 14 days after Your Booking is terminated.

12.3 Where you have made a Single-Element Booking with Alltracks and in the event that you are denied boarding or your flights with a third party airline are delayed or cancelled, you may be entitled to cancel your flight and receive reimbursement of the cost of the flight from your airline. Full details of these rights are publicised at EU airports and are also widely available from affected airlines. However you should note that reimbursement of the cost of a flight that does not form part of Your Booking is a responsibility of the airline and will not automatically entitle you to a refund with respect to Your Booking from us.


13.1 You may cancel Your Booking at any stage before the Start of Your Trip, provided you do so in writing.

13.2 In the event that you cancel Your Booking in accordance with Clause 13.1, the charges set out below will apply to all courses other than the Internship Course for which all payments are non refundable. Where the cancellation charge is shown as a percentage, this is calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges. Insurance premiums and amendment charges are not refundable in the event of the person(s) to whom they apply cancelling. The applicable refund will be made without undue delay and no later than 14 days after the date of termination.

Notice Required

Amount Still Payable

More than 120 days before the Start of Your Trip

Deposit only

Between 120 – 84 days before the Start of Your Trip

50% of total cost

84 days – 70 days before the Start of Your Trip

75% of total cost

70- 42 days before the Start of Your Trip

90% of total cost

42 days or less before the Start of Your Trip

100% of total cost

13.3 In the event of an unavoidable and extraordinary circumstance (as referred to in Clause 12.2) occurring at the destination of Your Booking or in its immediate vicinity which may significantly and negatively affect any of the services included in Your Booking, you may terminate Your Booking before the Start of Your Trip without paying any termination fee and receive a full refund of any payments made.


14.1 Where you have booked a Package, we provide financial security by way of an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL) issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) under ATOL number 9411. When you buy an ATOL protected flight as part of Your Booking, you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information, what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. You will only be protected if either the person who pays for the booking is present in the UK when the booking is made or the first leg of any flight or flights we arrange for you commences in the UK.

14.2 Alltracks, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate. Where neither we nor the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may provide you with the services included in Your Booking or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances, the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding with respect to Your Booking to that alternative ATOL holder. You also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable).

14.3 If we, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL certificate, are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust(“the Trustees”) may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme.


14.4 Where your booking is not ATOL protected ,the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Alltracks Ltd ABTOT Member 5349, and in the event of insolvency, protection is provided for:

  • Non-flight packages

ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation if transportation was included in your package.  Please note that bookings made outside the UK are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Alltracks Limited.  

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, please call our 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT protected travel company.

You can access The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 here: 

You can find out more about ABTOT here:

14.7 Alltracks agrees to comply with all laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


15.1 Whilst all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents or injury will be taken by us and Alltracks Suppliers, you acknowledge and agree that some of the activities included in Your Booking may carry an inherent risk of accident, serious injury and even death. Therefore, we accept no liability or responsibility for any unreasonable risks you take and you are responsible for your actions.

15.2 Without restricting your statutory rights, you may be required to sign an additional waiver form by us or an Alltracks Supplier before your participation in an activity contained in Your Booking. In the event that you are not prepared to sign the waiver forms, we (or Alltracks Suppliers) reserve the right to exclude you from that activity without compensation.


16.1 We accept responsibility for the services included in Your Booking. Subject to these terms and conditions, if we or Alltracks Suppliers negligently perform or arrange the services included in Your Booking, we will pay you reasonable compensation. The level of such compensation will be calculated taking into consideration all relevant factors, such as, but not limited to, when we were notified of any complaint you may have had and the extent to which ours or our employees’ or Alltracks Suppliers’ negligence affected the overall enjoyment of Your Trip.

16.2 We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (including loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from:

  1. the acts or omissions of the person affected or the acts or omissions of any members of the party;
  2. the acts or omissions of a third party not connected with the provision of any of the services included in Your Booking; or
  3. unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances which are beyond our control (as referred to in Clause 12.2).

16.3 We limit the maximum amount we may have to pay you for any claims you may have against us to:

  1. with respect to loss of and/or damage to any luggage or personal possessions (including money) or any other losses covered by your insurance policy,  the amount equivalent to the excess on your insurance policy which would apply to that kind of loss; and
  2. with respect to all other claims, except those which relate to personal injury or death, three times the total price of Your Booking.

16.4 We accept responsibility for death or injuries caused by negligent acts and/or omissions of our employees (when Your Booking is a Single-Element Booking) and the negligent acts and/or omissions of Alltracks Suppliers who, in either case, are acting within the scope of their employment in the provision of an activity contained in Your Booking. In such cases, we will pay to you such damages as might have been awarded in such circumstances under English Law subject to the English jurisdiction.

16.5 Where you claim against Alltracks in accordance with Clause 16.4, you or someone acting on your behalf,  agree to assist us by, at the earliest opportunity and where applicable:

  1. providing us with details, in writing, of your injury or death and the circumstances which led to it;
  2. providing us with a letter about your injury from your doctor;
  3. fully co-operating with us if we, or our insurers, require further information.

16.6 Where flights are included in Your Booking, your journey may be subject to certain International Conventions. You agree that the transport company’s own conditions of carriage will apply to you on that journey. When arranging this transportation for you we rely on the terms and conditions contained within these International Conventions and those conditions of carriage. You acknowledge that all of these terms and conditions form part of your contract with us as well as with the transport company. You can ask us to provide you with a copy of any conditions applicable to your journey. The airline’s terms and conditions are available on request. Alltracks is to be regarded as having all benefit of any limitation of compensation contained in these or any other applicable convention.


17.1 Any notice or other communication given to a party under or in connection with this contract shall be in writing and shall be:

  1. sent by email to:
    1. the email address provided by the Party Leader in the booking form in the case of the customer; and
    2. [email protected] for Alltracks,

or in either case to such other email address as may be notified by either party to the other from time to time; or

  1. sent by first class post or other next working day delivery service to:
    1. the address provided by the Party Leader in the booking form in the case of the customer; and
    2. Newmans Barn Farm, North Lane, West Tytherley, Hampshire, SP5 1LX, UK for Alltracks.

17.2 Any notice or communication shall be deemed to have been received:

  1. If sent by email, at the time of delivery, unless the email is sent outside of business hours, which are between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday, in which case the email shall be deemed to have been received on the following business day; or
  2. If sent by first class post or other next working day delivery service at 9:00am on the second business day after posting.

17.3 This Clause 17 does not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action or, where applicable, any arbitration or other method of dispute resolution.


18.1 This is a summary of Alltracks’ Privacy Policy that can be read in full at By making a booking with us, we will process the personal information we receive from you (about you and the people travelling with you) in the following ways:

  1. to enable us to arrange the courses you have booked (which may include passing information, including medical information, to Alltracks Suppliers);
  2. for improving customer service;
  3. for the detection of fraud or other crime (which may include providing your information to organisations such as banks and credit card companies, or the police);
  4. for compliance with legal requirements (which will include passing your information to public authorities such as customs and immigration).

18.2 We may need to collect information from you (or the people travelling with you), that is sensitive personal data because it relates to a medical condition or dietary requirement. When you give us this information you agree to allow us to process this and pass this on to Alltracks Suppliers where necessary to make the arrangements you require. If you wish to make a data subject access request for a copy of any personal data we hold on you, please write to Newmans Barn Farm, North Lane, West Tytherley, Hampshire, SP5 1LX, UK or send an email to [email protected]. Please head your letter/email with the words “Subject Access Request.”


19.1 In the event of there being poor snow, no snow or extreme weather conditions at the resort during Your Trip, this would be considered as an unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstance in accordance with Clause 9.10. This may mean that you are not able to partake in the activities contained in Your Booking. Whilst you are not entitled to any price reduction or compensation in such circumstances, we will use all reasonable endeavours to see that any refunds recovered by us from Alltracks Suppliers with respect to ski passes, are passed onto you.


20.1 In the event of an emergency, Alltracks may be contactable on our 24/7 telephone line which will be provided to you prior to the Start of Your Trip. We are under an obligation to provide you with the appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance etc. if you are ever in difficulty. We may charge a reasonable fee for such assistance where the difficulty is caused intentionally by you or your negligence.

20.2 We would be grateful for any suggestions or feedback you may have with respect to Your Trip. Any comments may be made to an Alltracks representative whilst on Your Trip or via email to [email protected].

This contract is governed by English Law and subject to the jurisdiction of English courts.

Newmans Barn Farm, North Lane, West Tytherley, Hampshire, SP5 1LX, UK
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1794 301 777