Which Ski Instructor Course to Choose?
Compare Ski Instructor Courses in Canada
ALLTRACKS offers a whole range of ski instructor courses in the hope that you’ll find the one that suits you best. If you’re wondering which ski instructor course to choose this year, hopefully this article can help outline the pros and cons of each. Before we look at the differences though, there are four standard hallmarks of our programmes that remain the same regardless of which course you choose:
1. Quality of the Coaching
The quality of the coaching remains the same on every one of our programmes following our own unique ALLTRACKS Training Formula led by head coach, Guy Hetherington. The training formula includes the right balance of highly technical training with high mileage skiing and exploring all conducted in a supportive and friendly environment.
2. Maximum of 6 Per Coach
We commit to only having six students per coach. The benefits of operating in small training groups are obvious. Namely, you are far more likely to ski with others of a similar standard, you get more personal attention, the group moves faster and you learn more.
3. Whistler
Whistler has such a vast ski area, there is appropriate terrain to practice all types of skiing. It also means it that you’ll be discovering new trails no matter how long your course is, rather than repeatedly skiing the same lines like in a smaller resort
4. Personal Service
As well as the quality of the coaching, we want all or our different instructor courses to have the same standard of off slope care. That’s why we choose to operate in one single resort so that our Canada Director is always available to help. We know Whistler extremely well (Guy’s been based there for almost 20 years) so our guests benefit from our local knowledge.
Despite these similarities, there are differences between our ski instructor courses and you can compare them here.
Differences between the ALLTRACKS Instructor Courses
1. 11 Week Ski Instructor Course
Our flagship course remains our most popular option. With almost 3 months of coaching, you receive more training on this programme that ay of our others. It also benefits from private 1:1 training sessions as well this the opportunity to do additional race coaching and freestyle qualifications. The ALLTRACKS freestyle module is also available.
2. 7 Week Intensive Ski Instructor Course
The 7 week instructor course is a great option if you want to start training at the start of the season and earn your CSIA L2 as quickly as possible. As the course begins each season in late November, you should have your Level 2 by early January. Great if you want to work as an instructor for the rest of the season as you’ll be qualified early. It also includes the Canadian Avalanche Association AST 1 over the first weekend and a lot all mountain coaching in addition to the instructor preparation.
3. The Instructor Internship
This is arguably the best option if you want to train, get qualified and work in the same season. Every person who has completed the 4 week internship with us has gone on to work as a ski instructor in Whistler for the rest of that season, and some choose to stay on even longer. While working at Whistler, there are great opportunities for additional training. So even though we only have time to include the CSIA L1 in the actual course along with he first module of CSIA L2, many of the interns go on and sit the CSIA L2 during the season.
4. 4 & 5 Week Ski Instructor Courses
We run these 4 and 5 week courses on multiple dates throughout the season so we hope you can find one that suits your dates. These camps involve thorough preparation for the instructor exam as well as plenty of time for all mountain and off piste skiing with our coaches. Although not as long as the extended courses, they offer a massive amount of skiing compared to the average weeks holiday.
Still struggling to Make up your mind?
If you’re still unsure about which ski instructor course is right for you, please get in touch by phone on 01794 301 777 or email us on [email protected]
Whoever you reach when you call, we know the pros and cons of each programme and can hopefully help you make up your mind and answer any instructor course questions.